Linux 内存模型与内存申请


  1. 每一个进程都有自己的进程空间,进程空间的0-3G是用户空间,3G-4G是内核空间
  2. 每个进程的用户空间不在同一个物理内存页,但是所有的进程的内核空间对应同样的物理地址
  3. vmalloc分配的地址可以高端内存,也可以是低端内存
  4. 0-896MB的物理地址是线性映射到物理映射区的。
  5. 内核参数和系统页表都在TEXT_OFFSET保存,除了进程除了访问自身的用户空间对应的DRAM内存页外,都要经过内核空间,也就是都要切换到内核态



kmalloc – kfree

kmalloc申请的内存在物理内存上是连续的,他们与真实的物理地址只有一个固定的偏移,因此存在简单的转换关系。这个API 多用来申请不到一个page大小的内存。kmalloc的底层需要调用__get_free_pages,参数中表示内存类型的gtp_t flags正是这个函数的缩写,常用的内存类型有GFP_USER,GFP_KERNEL,GFP_ATOMIC几种。

  • GFP_USER表示为用户空间页分配内存,可以阻塞;
  • GFP_KERNEL是最常用的flag,注意,使用这个flag来申请内存时,如果暂时不能满足,会引起进程阻塞,So,一定不要在中断处理函数,tasklet和内核定时器等非进程上下文中使用GFP_KERNEL!!!
  • GFP_ATOMIC就可以用于上述三种情境,这个flag表示如果申请的内存不能用,则立即返回。
 * kmalloc - allocate memory
 * @size: how many bytes of memory are required.
 * @flags: the type of memory to allocate.
 * The @flags argument may be one of:
 * %GFP_USER - Allocate memory on behalf of user.  May sleep.
 * %GFP_KERNEL - Allocate normal kernel ram.  May sleep.
 * %GFP_ATOMIC - Allocation will not sleep.  May use emergency pools.
 * For example, use this inside interrupt handlers.
void *kmalloc(size_t size, gfp_t flags);
 * kfree - free previously allocated memory
 * @objp: pointer returned by kmalloc.
 * If @objp is NULL, no operation is performed.
void kfree(const void *objp);


void *kzalloc(size_t size, gfp_t flags)    

__get_free_pages – free_pages


unsigned long __get_free_pages(gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order)  
void free_pages(unsigned long addr, unsigned int order)  


unsigned long __get_free_page(gfp_t gfp)        
unsigned long get_zeroed_page(gfp_t gfp_mask)    
struct page *alloc_pages(gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order)
void free_page(unsigned long addr)  

vmalloc – vfree


 * vmalloc  -  allocate virtually contiguous memory
 * @size:          allocation size
 * Allocate enough pages to cover @size from the page level allocator and map them into contiguous kernel virtual space.
void *vmalloc(unsigned long size)   

 *      vfree  -  release memory allocated by vmalloc()
 *      @addr:          memory base address
void vfree(const void *addr)  


 * vmalloc_32  -  allocate virtually contiguous memory (32bit addressable)
 * @size:          allocation size
 * Allocate enough 32bit PA addressable pages to cover @size from the page level allocator and map them into contiguous kernel virtual space.
void *vmalloc_32(unsigned long size) 



 * kmem_cache_create - 创建slab缓存对象
 * @name:slab缓存区名字,
 * @size:slab分配的缓存区的每一个单元的大小
 * @align:缓存区内存的对齐方式,一般给0
 * @flags:控制分配的位掩码,
 * %SLAB_POISON - Poison the slab with a known test pattern (a5a5a5a5) to catch references to uninitialised memory.
 * %SLAB_RED_ZONE - Insert `Red' zones around the allocated memory to check for buffer overruns.
 * %SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN - Align the objects in this cache to a hardware cacheline.  This can be beneficial if you're counting cycles as closely as davem.
 * %SLAB_CACHE_DMA - Use GFP_DMA memory
 * %SLAB_STORE_USER - Store the last owner for bug hunting
 *define SLAB_PANIC - Panic if kmem_cache_create() fails 
struct kmem_cache *kmem_cache_create(const char *name, size_t size, size_t align,unsigned long flags, void (*ctor)(void *))

 * kmem_cache_alloc - Allocate an object from this cache. 
 * @cachep: The cache to allocate from.
 * @flags: See kmalloc().
 * The flags are only relevant if the cache has no available objects.
void *kmem_cache_alloc(struct kmem_cache *cachep, gfp_t flags)  

 * kmem_cache_free - Deallocate an object
 * @cachep: The cache the allocation was from.
 * @objp: The previously allocated object.
 * Free an object which was previously allocated from this cache.
void kmem_cache_free(struct kmem_cache *cachep, void *objp)  

void kmem_cache_destroy(struct kmem_cache *s)  


struct kmem_cache_t *xj_sbcache;
xj_sbcache = kmem_cache_create("xjslab",sizeof(struct xj_unit_t),0,SLAB_CACHE_DMA|SLAB_PANIC,NULL,NULL);

struct xj_unit_t *xj_unit;
xj_unit = kmem_cache_alloc(xj_sbcache,GFP_KERNEL);

/* 使用slab缓存 */

/* 释放slab缓存 */
kmem_cache_free(xj_sbcache, xj_unit);

/* 销毁slab缓存 */



 * mempool_create - create a memory pool
 * @min_nr:    the minimum number of elements guaranteed to be  allocated for this pool.
 * @alloc_fn:  user-defined element-allocation function.
 * @free_fn:   user-defined element-freeing function.
 * @pool_data: optional private data available to the user-defined functions.
 * this function creates and allocates a guaranteed size, preallocated memory pool. The pool can be used from the mempool_alloc() and mempool_free() functions. 
 * This function might sleep. Both the alloc_fn() and the free_fn() functions might sleep - as long as the mempool_alloc() function is not called from IRQ contexts.
mempool_t *mempool_create(int min_nr, mempool_alloc_t *alloc_fn, mempool_free_t *free_fn, void *pool_data)

 * mempool_alloc - allocate an element from a specific memory pool
 * @pool:      pointer to the memory pool which was allocated via mempool_create().
 * @gfp_mask:  the usual allocation bitmask.
 * this function only sleeps if the alloc_fn() function sleeps or returns NULL. Note that due to preallocation, this function never* fails when called from process contexts. (it might fail if called from an IRQ context.)
void * mempool_alloc(mempool_t *pool, gfp_t gfp_mask)    

 * mempool_free - return an element to the pool.
 * @element:   pool element pointer.
 * @pool:      pointer to the memory pool which was allocated via mempool_create().
 * this function only sleeps if the free_fn() function sleeps.
void mempool_free(void *element, mempool_t *pool)    

 * mempool_destroy - deallocate a memory pool
 * @pool:      pointer to the memory pool which was allocated via mempool_create().
 * Free all reserved elements in @pool and @pool itself.  This function only sleeps if the free_fn() function sleeps.
void mempool_destroy(mempool_t *pool)  

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